How to run the code

How to run the code in the GitHub Repo.

Here are relevant instructions to reproduce the results in this project.

1. Clone the Repo

First, please clone the GitHub Repo at:

$> git clone

Please note that although the data is provided in a separate folder /data/, there is a folder /benchmark/data/ holding exactly the same data and in similar setup. So there is no need to copy the data from /data/ to /benchmark/data/ .

Redirect to /benchmark/ folder:

$> cd benchmark/

2. Install requirements

$> pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Generate question queries

To generate questions on all of the tasks and on all of the datasets:

$> python

Feel free to play around the code to customize the query generation.

4. Set API connection

Please fill in the ‘API_KEY’ in /benchmark/Edu_KG_Eval/ Besides that, also modify the following connection details in function generate_answer of class ApiFoxAnswer:

  • HTTPS path in ‘conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection()’
  • ‘User-Agent’ in dictionary ‘headers’

5. Get answers from LLMs

To get the answers on all of the queries generated in the last step:

$> python

6. Evaluate LLM answers

As this step may require manual check, we provide some methods may be helpful to calculate accuracy, precision, recall, AUROC and AUPRC in the following script: ‘’.